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Keeping it REAL !

Sometimes it is hard to keep it real at work, but it is the only way to build authentic and meaningful relationships with co-workers and…

Building Your ONE Thing !

Many organizations understand the need to have a compelling purpose – that ‘one thing’ that drives everything and all actions. But not very many organizations…

What Jazzes YOU ?

What jazzes you? Makes you feel amazing inside? When do you feel most happy? Most productive? Like you’re really contributing and making a difference to…

Employee Branding Buzz

Organizations are often looking for what they call “employee branding”. I have never really understood what this means, because “employee branding” suggests to me that…

Authentic Relationships

When I was researching the factors and catalysts of employee engagement, I met a young man who knew exactly what he wanted from his employer.…

What is success?

Every organization must have a compelling purpose at its core, and it must be felt deeply by its leaders.  Success has been defined by many…